Curse of Laius
In his youth- Laius is taken in as a guest by Pelops (King of Elis). Laius becomes a tutor for chariot racing to Pelops' youngest son- Chrysippus. Laius abducts Chrysipuus and rapes him. Chrysippus kills himself in shame. This transgression is what causes Laius and all his family to become cursed.
Oedipus' Birth
Oedipus is the son of Laius and Jocasta; King and Queen of Thebes.
When Oedipus' is born- Laius consults an oracle for his fortune. The oracle reveals that Laius is doomed to be killed by his own son.
Laius binds Oedipus' feet together with pins (so that he can't crawl) and orders Jocasta to kill him.
Jocasta is unable to kill her own son and orders a servant to kill him instead. The servant leaves Oedipus on a mountaintop where is found and rescued by a shepherd.
The shepherd names the child Oedipus which means "Swollen feet"
The Shepherd brings the infant to Corinth and presents him to the childless king Polybus who raises Oedipus as his own son.
Oedipus and the Oracle
As Oedipus grows he hears a rumor that he is not the biological son of Polybus and his wife (Merope). He asks the Oracle at Delphi who his parents really are. The Oracle tells him that he is destined to "mate with his own mother and kill his own father". Oedipus (who still believes that Polybus and Merope are his biological parents) leaves Corinth in fear that this prophecy will be fulfilled. He goes to Thebes.
Fulfilling the Prophecy
On his way to Thebes, Oedipus encounters an old man and his servants. The two begin to fight about whose chariot has the right of way. The old man attempts to hit Oedipus with his sceptre. However, Oedipus throws the old man down from his chariot- killing him. The old man was actually Laius (his father). Which Oedipus will discover later in the events of "Oedipus Rex"
Riddle of the Sphinx
Arriving in Thebes- Oedipus encounters the Sphinx (a beast with the head and breast of a woman, body of a lioness, and the wings of an eagle). The Sphinx was eating Thebans and travelers passing by if they could not solve her riddle.
Oedipus solves the Sphinx's riddle. The Sphinx having been beat throw herself of a cliff and dies- ending the curse.
Oedipus' reward for ridding the city of the Sphinx is becoming king of Thebes and the Queen Jocasta's hand in marriage.
Oedipus has unknowing fulfilled the prophecy by killing his father and marrying his mother.
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